Crate zenoh_macros

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This crate is intended for Zenoh’s internal use.

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  • Equivalent to keyexpr::new, but the check is run at compile-time and will throw a compile error in case of failure.
  • Create format modules from a format specification.
  • Write a set of values into a Formatter and then builds it into an OwnedKeyExpr, stopping as soon as a value doesn’t fit the specification for its field.
  • Write a set of values into a Formatter, stopping as soon as a value doesn’t fit the specification for its field. Contrary to keformat doesn’t build the Formatter into a Key Expression.

Attribute Macros§

Derive Macros§

  • Make the underlying struct Param be generic over any T satifying a generated trait DefaultParam { fn param() -> Param; }
  • Register the input Enum with the struct Param specified in the param attribute